
Am I entitled to sick leave money from my employer who just fired me?

Hi! I'm not positive this belongs in this sub, so correct me if I'm wrong. Was going to try r/legaladvice but they don't allow images. So basically, I'm in Colorado. I've been working for a company as a team member for about a year, and recently been promoted to supervisor about 2 months ago. I didn't know this but apparently that company offers PTO and is earned 1 hour of PTO for ever 30 hours worked. I got fired for “attendance issues” yesterday and I'm wondering if I'm entitled to PTO or not. I'm not sure what any of this means and was only made aware of it by a friend 10 minutes ago. Do they need to pay me for this or am I just going to look stupid bringing this up to my employer? My pay rate was $16/hr. This stubs pay period is from 7/27-8/09 and I've…

Hi! I'm not positive this belongs in this sub, so correct me if I'm wrong. Was going to try r/legaladvice but they don't allow images.

So basically, I'm in Colorado. I've been working for a company as a team member for about a year, and recently been promoted to supervisor about 2 months ago. I didn't know this but apparently that company offers PTO and is earned 1 hour of PTO for ever 30 hours worked. I got fired for “attendance issues” yesterday and I'm wondering if I'm entitled to PTO or not. I'm not sure what any of this means and was only made aware of it by a friend 10 minutes ago. Do they need to pay me for this or am I just going to look stupid bringing this up to my employer? My pay rate was $16/hr. This stubs pay period is from 7/27-8/09 and I've worked more hours since then.

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