
Am I in the wrong for feeling exploited? I feel like I need to re-address it to my manager.

Before I start my post, I want to let it known that I work as an inbound agent Was told yesterday to take calls by my team leader, despite the fact that other people got their profiles removed since we get into a new transition. Most of the people from my team got their profiles removed. I was the only one of my team, and other two from other team with their profiles intact, being told to take calls (obviously only stupid people can only call during a Saturday). Because most of my co-workers would not be able to take calls, a VGH (voluntarily go home) has been offered to everyone. I've tried to fake (not gonna lie) a system crash, but one of my co-workers who is not even supposed to be my team leader's helper, went to me and forced me to log in. Then she found out…

Before I start my post, I want to let it known that I work as an inbound agent

Was told yesterday to take calls by my team leader, despite the fact that other people got their profiles removed since we get into a new transition.

Most of the people from my team got their profiles removed. I was the only one of my team, and other two from other team with their profiles intact, being told to take calls (obviously only stupid people can only call during a Saturday).

Because most of my co-workers would not be able to take calls, a VGH (voluntarily go home) has been offered to everyone. I've tried to fake (not gonna lie) a system crash, but one of my co-workers who is not even supposed to be my team leader's helper, went to me and forced me to log in. Then she found out that I was still able to take calls, she gave me orders and told my TL that I am good for taking calls.

Then I went to my manager and asked to go home, since it was uncomfortable for me to do a job when others are not doing anything and are paid the same (VGH is optional, so whoever wants to stay at work, they can). My manager declined my request, stating that the people with their profiles in the system are still taking calls, and here is what she said below.

My manager: Oh, I am so sorry, I know you feel frustrated, but I am gonna give you an hour of lunch time (we get only 30 minutes).

WHAT. THE. F? That's all you have to say? Not to say that the other people came to work today and did shit besides chatting and horsing around, and got paid for the EXACT AMOUNT OF MONEY that I am.

10 minutes before my shift I logged out (because I had also a long call with an old customer who was talking way too much and it was mostly whining and complaining), and my TL asked me why am I not taking calls. Imagine this shit to be told. On a Saturday. When the others were chillin and chit-chattin with other co-workers and doing NOTHING !

F this. I am going to shit on my TL next time if she says something bad about my performance.

Other people don't do shit and get paid hourly the fucking same. Absolutely ridiculous. I am frustrated.

I need help and any tips would be appreciated.

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