
Am I letting pettiness cloud my judgement?

I work in a nursing facility doing direct patient care. My job duties entail exactly that: Caring For Patients. Our organization has recently changed CEO's, with this one in particular now demanding that EVERY employee in the organization must record two 3-minute videos. One “teaching” something, and the other defining accountability. How these videos will be used has not been disclosed. She stated that this is mandatory and understandably caused a big stir with the staff. Many of us already take on a number of “extra” responsibilities without additional pay, and we're also typically understaffed. The last thing we need is more /stuff/ to do. Beyond being a generally stupid idea, this is not anywhere in our job description and we did not consent to being filmed for any reason. When this backlash made it to our direct manager, we were essentially told that we could make the videos, or…

I work in a nursing facility doing direct patient care. My job duties entail exactly that: Caring For Patients.

Our organization has recently changed CEO's, with this one in particular now demanding that EVERY employee in the organization must record two 3-minute videos. One “teaching” something, and the other defining accountability. How these videos will be used has not been disclosed. She stated that this is mandatory and understandably caused a big stir with the staff. Many of us already take on a number of “extra” responsibilities without additional pay, and we're also typically understaffed. The last thing we need is more /stuff/ to do.

Beyond being a generally stupid idea, this is not anywhere in our job description and we did not consent to being filmed for any reason. When this backlash made it to our direct manager, we were essentially told that we could make the videos, or find somewhere else to work.

I make extremely good money here, and the task truly isn't difficult, but the way management has approached it and now threatened employees makes me furious. I want so badly to refuse submitting anything and let them fire me to make a “point” but I also know that they wouldn't care in the slightest and it would be at my own detriment. Our turnover has been astronomical in the last year. At this point, they're just hiring bodies to meet ratios or letting nurses work critically understaffed.

I guess this is sort of a vent, sort of looking for advice. If you made it this far, thanks for reading!

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