
Am I Overreacting or Am I Being Taken Advantage of?

So I work maintenance at a gym. $14/hr 40hrs a week. I have officially been there the longest out of everyone in the maintenance team at 5 months. (High turnover couldn’t imagine why). I am literally the only one who shows up and does more than clean some things and go home. I’ve made multiple additions to the gym itself like: Equipment wall mounts at the front desk A new break room upstairs I helped redo. I have created multiple systems to help keep maintenance organized and well oiled such as an inventory, fixes, and to do board I attached to the door so anyone on the team can write things we need, need to do, need to fix, or even suggestions for quality of life improvements around the place. A daily checklist of tasks that have to be done every day divided into sections and spaces for people to…

So I work maintenance at a gym. $14/hr 40hrs a week. I have officially been there the longest out of everyone in the maintenance team at 5 months. (High turnover couldn’t imagine why).

I am literally the only one who shows up and does more than clean some things and go home.

I’ve made multiple additions to the gym itself like:

  • Equipment wall mounts at the front desk

  • A new break room upstairs I helped redo.

  • I have created multiple systems to help keep maintenance organized and well oiled such as an inventory, fixes, and to do board I attached to the door so anyone on the team can write things we need, need to do, need to fix, or even suggestions for quality of life improvements around the place.

  • A daily checklist of tasks that have to be done every day divided into sections and spaces for people to initial if they did them. (Shocker no one even uses it)

  • Created the first schedule which my manager loved. Then he changed it up for some reasons later on. I asked him to give me the new schedule and I was gonna put it into an official format to send out. He catches an attitude and asks me to not change his schedule… which I then explained I wasn’t gonna to do in the first place…

  • I single handedly deep cleaned and reorganized the absolute DISASTER that was the maintenance room and the smaller maintenance room in the men’s locker room. Like it took me 2 days each. It looks great now.

  • Had him get a guy to come out and basically put up a whole new wall in the maintenance room as the last one was crumbling from water damage

  • Had new yoga mat holders installed on the second floor as we really needed them.

SO anyways my boss comes up from his home branch location in another state for a week about every 3/4 weeks. Since about June he has been telling me he wants to make me maintenance manger. His boss was the one who approached me about it actually around the beginning of June saying that if I'm interested I should be good to go by the next pay period with it…

Every single my boss is up here he tells me I'm doing a good job, he sees how hard I work, I'm the hardest worker here, he values people who work themselves to the bone… blah blah blah. “But I'm not making you manger just yet I want to see more leadership and professionalism” EVERY FUCKING TIME.

He's told me how the rest of the team has told him how much they like and appreciate the changes I've made and that they are very helpful. So… what am I missing?

My main problem with the entire thing is I feel like I'm being strung along for months on end with the hope of becoming manager but after seeing the state of the gym within the last week (I was on vacation last week) my manager doesn't want me distracted from being a main great cleaner of the place since it was pretty messy when I got back.

I am being repeatedly asked to preform the job of a manager for months without the pay, title, authority, or respect quite frankly and I am over it. ESCPECIALLY when I don't have access to managerial tools and resources I need. I cannot order anything without going through him, I cannot call someone to come do something for us without going through him, I cannot actually tell people what to do bc if they say no… well that's kinda the end of the conversation as I have no power to do anything about it…

AND what pisses me off even more about that is he frequently orders the wrong or incorrect things and we have to wait for him to order again bc he messed up. When I could just order exactly what I need and have it done with. It's so frustrating to be told to lead but have to ask permission for every thing I want to do.

I know bc I've never been in a manager position bc there was going to be a trial period and testing of my abilities which absolutely makes sense. But it's going on 3/4 months now of feeling like he's dangling a carrot on a stick in front of my face and moving it back every time I get close to it. I only make $14/hr as it is and the manager position is full time $16/hr which… I'm also inclined to ask straight up ask for $20/hr bc this is so bs to me.

And another little thing in this rant… every time he is here he has a stick up his ass about us taking breaks. Making sure we aren't resting for more than 10/15 mins every 2 or so hours. I have bad back problems with degenerating discs in my upper spine, recently diagnosed sight scoliosis and exaggerated wear and tear for my age (23). ALL OF WHICH HE IS FULLY AWARE OF. Yet he still every single time he's down here acts like our breaks need to be more “professional” and shorter and less frequent.

MF knows my back cannot do 2-3 hours straight of standing, walking, and cleaning without sitting down. I literally just cannot. It honestly feels like after 15 mins of standing someone is taking their foot and pressing it against my spine until they can get it to snap. Yet the other employees not maintenance can spend 1/2 their shift chilling at the front desk laughing and on their phones and no body says anything. It's beyond maddening.

SO… with all that out of the way lol… Am I honestly just over reacting to this or is this a legit cause of concern I need to bring up? Because I am not going to continue to try and prove to him I'm manager material for months on end without the pay, title, and resources that go with it. I'm seriously considering threatening to walk if he doesn't promote me before he goes home…


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