
Am I screwed

Ill try to keep this as short as I can. I work for a large refining company in California and at the beginning of the year they announced that several areas (including mine) would be closing down 1 year from now. On the bright side, if you stay with the company until the end there is severance that could be north of 50k as a thank you for your efforts. About 2 months after the announcement, I started feeling a lot of pain in my leg and after getting an MRI a tumor was found on my shin. I had to go on short term disability and have it removed immediately. After a very painful and difficult recovery, I was preparing to return to work when I began feeling the pain again. I panicked and scheduled another MRI and sure enough, the tumor came back more aggressively. So now I…

Ill try to keep this as short as I can. I work for a large refining company in California and at the beginning of the year they announced that several areas (including mine) would be closing down 1 year from now. On the bright side, if you stay with the company until the end there is severance that could be north of 50k as a thank you for your efforts.

About 2 months after the announcement, I started feeling a lot of pain in my leg and after getting an MRI a tumor was found on my shin. I had to go on short term disability and have it removed immediately.

After a very painful and difficult recovery, I was preparing to return to work when I began feeling the pain again. I panicked and scheduled another MRI and sure enough, the tumor came back more aggressively. So now I need to have a much more extensive surgery, have a donor tendon attached, complete ACL reconstruction. Possibility of it being cancer as well.

My job is now threatening to transition me to long term disability and terminate my contract with the company since I have reached the maximum 26 weeks of STD they allow. I don’t want to lose my benefits in case I need more surgery/care, but there is also no guarantee I will be healthy enough to return before the doors close either. I have a couple more weeks before my surgery/decision. Am I screwed? I apologize for any spelling errors and thank you for reading.

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