
Am I wrong to go at my boss like this?

Okay we are in telecom(we climb and maintenance cell phone and broadcast towers) and the industry is pretty slow right now. We are a newer company that’s about 3 years old. When I started I was 1 of 8 employees. I’m 1 of 3 that’s still here. We had a rough rough start and the wrong people were hired to start. Fast forward 3 years and here we are 18 employees now. Like I said we have been slow and he told us if we wanted to stay to file for partial unemployment OR get a side jobs until the industry picks back up. He also said no hard feelings if we had to go elsewhere . But we have randomly picked jobs to do every other week but the job is normally only a day and then nothing for another two weeks. He posted a schedule saying who had…

Okay we are in telecom(we climb and maintenance cell phone and broadcast towers) and the industry is pretty slow right now. We are a newer company that’s about 3 years old. When I started I was 1 of 8 employees. I’m 1 of 3 that’s still here. We had a rough rough start and the wrong people were hired to start. Fast forward 3 years and here we are 18 employees now. Like I said we have been slow and he told us if we wanted to stay to file for partial unemployment OR get a side jobs until the industry picks back up. He also said no hard feelings if we had to go elsewhere . But we have randomly picked jobs to do every other week but the job is normally only a day and then nothing for another two weeks. He posted a schedule saying who had to go where tomorrow morning and a lot of people had to turn it down because of obligations on the side for work. Well he got short with everyone in the chat about calling out and this is my response. (I still work in the field and climb everyday but I’m also in upper management. There is my boss who writes us the checks then me.) and everyone I work with (the other 17 guys with bills and families to feed) come to me with questions because no one can get a straight fucking answer from him.

I’m mad and I know I’ve got a lot of grammar problems in this. Sorry

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