
Amazing advice

Top advice BBC!! You've cured my crippling depression and anxiety of paycheck to paycheck living. The whole article is 4 tips, 3 of which are reinstatement of ask for help. Conveniently forgetting that our health service is massively overstretched, it took me 16 months in waiting to get a Councillor for my trauma, and after all they couldn't do crap apart from what me to get on meds that would ruin my productivity. Really tired of news outlets like these in the UK giving shite like this whilst trying to pain striking nurses and teachers as the problem for everything whilst the Conservatives steal the country away.

Top advice BBC!! You've cured my crippling depression and anxiety of paycheck to paycheck living. The whole article is 4 tips, 3 of which are reinstatement of ask for help. Conveniently forgetting that our health service is massively overstretched, it took me 16 months in waiting to get a Councillor for my trauma, and after all they couldn't do crap apart from what me to get on meds that would ruin my productivity. Really tired of news outlets like these in the UK giving shite like this whilst trying to pain striking nurses and teachers as the problem for everything whilst the Conservatives steal the country away.

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