
American Culture is Centered Around Working

I would be okay with working if my entire life wasn't structured around it. Working 40 hours a week is bullshit. 8 hours of work a day for 5 days of your 7 day week is the baseline. That is absurd. And it's endless. You don't get breaks like in school. You just work every fucking week to get your 2 days off as a reward. I understand what they are doing. Really your hourly rate should be much higher, and then they can make the normal work week 30 hours per week instead. But no, they peg the rates very low so they can have you all day instead. I'm even kind of alright with 8 hours but my problem becomes I get off and I am TIRED at the end of the workday. It takes away my energy, so I am not the same state as I was…

I would be okay with working if my entire life wasn't structured around it.

Working 40 hours a week is bullshit. 8 hours of work a day for 5 days of your 7 day week is the baseline. That is absurd. And it's endless. You don't get breaks like in school. You just work every fucking week to get your 2 days off as a reward.

I understand what they are doing. Really your hourly rate should be much higher, and then they can make the normal work week 30 hours per week instead. But no, they peg the rates very low so they can have you all day instead.

I'm even kind of alright with 8 hours but my problem becomes I get off and I am TIRED at the end of the workday. It takes away my energy, so I am not the same state as I was 8 hours ago. The workday drained my energy out and now I am let go to do what I want but I'm drained out so that doesn't work.

It's really just bullshit. The whole damn state of the union address was about work and jobs and creating more jobs and more work. Dude, Biden, I want to work less, not more. It's 2023, why have we made improvements in so many areas, but the 40 hour workweek is still as it was 150 years ago?

In America, work dominates our entire culture. It's all about money here.

And what is the fucking point of working all the time to be able to buy an expensive house that you have 2 days a week to live in and to sleep at night?

To wow your family? It seems apparently so. It is so stupid.

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