
An old potential employer keeps poking me, how do I get them to leave me alone?

I’ve been with my current job for just over 3.5 years, and in January I was denied a promotion, at the exact same time we were told to come back into the office. Livid, I started rage applying to a plethora of jobs, and heard back from a few. I received a message from a small agency for an account management position, and leapt at the opportunity to interview with them. Here’s how that went: – they schedule me for a phone interview without checking with me if I was available for that time. I reluctantly accepted and took the interview, pushing back a meeting at work – I was scheduled to go on vacation at the end of January/beginning of February, and told them I’d be happy to do a follow up call when I got back. They scheduled me AGAIN without notice to COME INTO THEIR OFFICE the…

I’ve been with my current job for just over 3.5 years, and in January I was denied a promotion, at the exact same time we were told to come back into the office. Livid, I started rage applying to a plethora of jobs, and heard back from a few.

I received a message from a small agency for an account management position, and leapt at the opportunity to interview with them.

Here’s how that went:
– they schedule me for a phone interview without checking with me if I was available for that time. I reluctantly accepted and took the interview, pushing back a meeting at work
– I was scheduled to go on vacation at the end of January/beginning of February, and told them I’d be happy to do a follow up call when I got back. They scheduled me AGAIN without notice to COME INTO THEIR OFFICE the day before I left, during rush hour, during my regular job hours, 45 minutes away to meet with them “on an urgent matter”. Never bothering to see if I was even available
– the interview went on for two hours, being questioned in such an in-depth manner that it felt like a pageant. I had a “holistic conversation” with the CEO over why their marketing strategy mattered so much
– the first girl I interviewed with had to ask this guy, the CEO, to leave work on a Friday at 6PM. He looked a bit pissed but told her she can go
– that’s when I was given a task to complete two days after I got home from vacation (they knew I would be away). They offered to pay me $500 to complete it, which in retrospect was the only positive of this experience
– the second I got home from vacation, they started messaging me to see if I could get it done sooner than the intended deadline
– I accepted the challenge, spent about 6 hours completing the project the same day I got home. Wrapped up at about 2am.
– got paid the $500 via venmo
– was messaged three times within an hour on a Wednesday while I was at the office, in a meeting, and then they called me to schedule another call to review my project
– he told me in the final phone interview I was lucky to be hand-picked from over 500 applicants to “the final 3”, and of the three candidates, my work was by far the best. But they didn’t like how unavailable I was to take their interviews.
– then I was informed he found my facebook and then realized we had a few mutual friends, messaged the mutual friends for personal reviews for me, leaned into the camera, and told me “you’re lucky because they gave you amazing personal reviews”
– he then made me say to him how badly I wanted the job, and while on the inside I was a bubbling cauldron of rage, I lied through my teeth and said I wanted the job
– he said he was going to send me an offer that evening
– he ghosted me for an entire week
– he then messaged me and told me they ultimately decided to go in another direction. I never responded and ultimately stayed at my job

That was in February, and since then I have received multiple notifications on LinkedIn that he continues to view my profile and job application. Because the job closed, I can’t even rescind my application from this listing, and I just want this human turd to leave me alone indefinitely. I’m half tempted to report the job listing so it will be removed from the site.

How do I professionally tell this guy to suck a fart?

Side note: I eventually got the promotion at my current job and I’m evaluating other opportunities that are less demeaning

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