
And the meek shall inherit the earth

I own a custom frame shop. Very small. I run it myself from customers to orders to materials to accounting. I tried working for other people for a decade. Wanted to be a graphic designer but I was undiagnosed adhd and asp so I was never a good fit. I could get the job because I’m great to meet for the first time but when They get a taste of the real me – the depressed, anxiety filled, introverted me – instead of making the workplace safer for me they would start preparing to fire me. I always knew when it would start. “We would like you to smile more” “you don’t seem to like to work here” “we’re getting complaints from other employees about your attitude” I was fired from every single job I had and so I stopped. I opened my own store and thought I was safe…

I own a custom frame shop. Very small. I run it myself from customers to orders to materials to accounting. I tried working for other people for a decade. Wanted to be a graphic designer but I was undiagnosed adhd and asp so I was never a good fit. I could get the job because I’m great to meet for the first time but when They get a taste of the real me – the depressed, anxiety filled, introverted me – instead of making the workplace safer for me they would start preparing to fire me. I always knew when it would start. “We would like you to smile more” “you don’t seem to like to work here” “we’re getting complaints from other employees about your attitude” I was fired from every single job I had and so I stopped. I opened my own store and thought I was safe from that ever happening again. But of course not.

10 years I’ve had this business. Got through Covid – still getting through covid – Got through years of construction. The anchor of the plaza – a grocery store – closed down years ago. My customer parking was taken away. The ever increasing rent. Landlords have never done any maintenance. They sent a lawyer with a 2 DAY eviction notice on the first of the year in 2022 because of back rent during Covid. I paid them but They didn’t call or email me the entire year. They didn’t respond to my emails letting them know my situation. They don’t even live in this state. They don’t know or care about this community. They don’t care about me. They’re not the only ones. This entire country is filled with small businesses like me who are leasing from similar soulless companies. My 5 year lease was up this month. They increased my rent AGAIN and I agreed because this is my spot. This is my community. All of my customers know I’m here. It would cost over 10 thousand dollars to relocate and that’s if I found a new place. My dad built this store out with his bare hands. He designed and built the work bench and the layout. He did it in the store so they can’t be taken out unless destroyed.

A couple months ago I ended a 5 year relationship. I moved out of my home and had no where to go. So I worked. I worked day and night. I slept on the floor and cried on the floor. Painting into the night. Framing during the day trying to just survive. It lasted a month before I got the mental fortitude and money to get another place. I’ve always worked late even when I had a home. This is my studio I paint all hours anyway. Always have. Then I had the same feeling I did when the firing process began in the past. 2 months ago they sent an email stating they’ve been having complaints that I’m living at the store. The assholes next door to me – Meeks insurance – have been trying to take my spot to expand their shitty insurance store front for years. They finally got their wish. Last week I was notified they were not going to extend my lease. They’ve already started painting the outside of my store the same color as Meeks. I’m the only custom frame and art store in 60 miles. This community has no other options for paintings, art lessons or framing. And Florida has given landlords total control to charge what they want and to kick who they want for whatever reason.

This country is fucked. We are not free in any sense of the word. Corporations have total control over our lives no matter if we’re working for them or working for ourselves. I hate this country so fcuking much. I can not believe this is happening AGAIN I have a month to find a new location and transition which is going to cost me so much fucking money, time and mental anguish and for what!? The landlord is going to profit off it because fucking MEEKs offered them more money

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