
And the WFH dance continues…

I started this job fully remote about 15 months ago, but it was never officially fully remote, it was just due to pandemic restrictions at the time. This employer is based 300km away from where I live. I never told them I would re-locate for the job. Restrictions were lifted, so then it was semi-officially at your manager's discretion while they worked out a policy. Now the policy is apparently officially going to be 2 days per week. OK. It will be interesting to see if it is enforced with me given that I live 300km away, there are only 7 months left in the contract for this job (and they can ditch me anytime with enough legal notice so I'm not even guaranteed that), I'd only be going in 2 days/week even if I did live closer, and there is a housing crisis everywhere in my province so I…

I started this job fully remote about 15 months ago, but it was never officially fully remote, it was just due to pandemic restrictions at the time. This employer is based 300km away from where I live. I never told them I would re-locate for the job.

Restrictions were lifted, so then it was semi-officially at your manager's discretion while they worked out a policy. Now the policy is apparently officially going to be 2 days per week.

OK. It will be interesting to see if it is enforced with me given that I live 300km away, there are only 7 months left in the contract for this job (and they can ditch me anytime with enough legal notice so I'm not even guaranteed that), I'd only be going in 2 days/week even if I did live closer, and there is a housing crisis everywhere in my province so I might very literally not be able to find a place to live there anyway. So basically, forcing this issue in my case would be essentially firing me.

I don't think my actual boss really cares. She lives in another city from the job too, but not so far away that she can't swing the 2 days/week. She seems fine with the arrangement. I get heaps of work done. But HR often wants policies implemented consistently so that's what it might come down to.

Oh well. I just got back from a vacation knowing that I'd have to start looking for something else anyway. It just sucks that our work culture is so incredibly stupid about this issue. It's been proven that many jobs CAN be done fully remotely, there is nothing special about just being in the office 2 or 3 days a week. Why can't they just leave us alone??????

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