
Annoying work stuff

So picture this , you’ve been doing your work at an acceptable level since you’ve got the job. You send an email(daily report) 4 years into this job and you forget to include one person on the client side . The client emails your whole team and asks why they haven’t received the daily report like they usually have. Your team lead then calls you to remind you that moving forward double check to make sure everyone who needs to be on the email is cc’d . AITA for being annoyed at that ?

So picture this , you’ve been doing your work at an acceptable level since you’ve got the job. You send an email(daily report) 4 years into this job and you forget to include one person on the client side . The client emails your whole team and asks why they haven’t received the daily report like they usually have. Your team lead then calls you to remind you that moving forward double check to make sure everyone who needs to be on the email is cc’d . AITA for being annoyed at that ?

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