
Annual leave not paid out

Hi, I recently finished up a part time job at christmas time. Myself and the employer discussed that we didn't work well with each other and decided not to continue working together after the new year. It's completely amicable decision from both parties I felt. I did 25 hours a week over three days. On the first day of my last working week about halfway through my shift after returning to the workplace after doing deliveries, they took me outside to say I can finish up now and they will pay me for the last week. I said I'd be happy to work for the last few days as I was getting paid for them, and they said I didn't have to as things “had wrapped up before the end of the year, earlier than expected” I invoiced them for the 25 hours of the last week. And that got…

Hi, I recently finished up a part time job at christmas time. Myself and the employer discussed that we didn't work well with each other and decided not to continue working together after the new year. It's completely amicable decision from both parties I felt.

I did 25 hours a week over three days. On the first day of my last working week about halfway through my shift after returning to the workplace after doing deliveries, they took me outside to say I can finish up now and they will pay me for the last week. I said I'd be happy to work for the last few days as I was getting paid for them, and they said I didn't have to as things “had wrapped up before the end of the year, earlier than expected”
I invoiced them for the 25 hours of the last week. And that got paid no problems. Noting there was still 15 hours of leave accrued

Yesterday, now I know they had returned after the holiday break asking if I can get my annual leave, which is 15 hours worth paid,
They have responded saying that they paid those days I didn't work out of the accrued leave.
I replied that I wasn't aware that that was the case and it certainly wasn't made clear.

Do I have any options

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