
Another Task to Help Others Meet their Goals while Taking Me Away from Mine.

Anyone else work a job where they constantly ask for more out of you for the same pay? Funny (I mean stupid more than funny) is how the 'more' they want takes you away from your actual job description.You know, like the ways you can actively increase your pay or meet/exceed the expectations you're graded on. Why can't we just be doing the things that are actually on our performance reviews? Like how do they rationalize the extra that means we end up with less for our efforts? I need a bonus category on my review that's titled: Bonus (50% Weighting) – Did you do all the extra Bull Shit we made you do that isn't in your job description, but was required to avoid being written up or noted as “not a team player”? Yes? Ok, here's a 50% increase to your scoring to even out for all the…

Anyone else work a job where they constantly ask for more out of you for the same pay?

Funny (I mean stupid more than funny) is how the 'more' they want takes you away from your actual job description.You know, like the ways you can actively increase your pay or meet/exceed the expectations you're graded on. Why can't we just be doing the things that are actually on our performance reviews? Like how do they rationalize the extra that means we end up with less for our efforts?

I need a bonus category on my review that's titled: Bonus (50% Weighting) – Did you do all the extra Bull Shit we made you do that isn't in your job description, but was required to avoid being written up or noted as “not a team player”? Yes? Ok, here's a 50% increase to your scoring to even out for all the ways we pulled you away from doing your actual job.

Don't get me wrong. I genuinely like sharing my knowledge and helping other people be successful, but thats not what I'm being paid to do. No one is over here doing my job for me and helping me hit my goals while I'm helping other people get their's. I have no issue doing what I agreed to do, but the constant 'more' that isn't accompanied by more pay or a bigger incentive/bonus is really starting to get to me. So tired of it.

Anyway, end rant. I'm seriously ready for it all to crash, so everyone's forced to rebuild it in a different, better way. Consequences be damned.

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