
Anti work appreciation story

I had an employer fuck with me a bunch a few years back now, it was obvious they were looking for reasons to get rid of everyone including me, so I slowly gave them reasons after the shop dwindled down from three employees to just me. After my second write up I was working an overtime shift on a project that could've easily been done had I had help from the guy that worked the order desk upfront but would help to catch up like every other project because management got rid of the rest of the shop guys. Anyways, So i was alone in the building after hours and went into the bosses desk and stole the two hard copys of my write ups out of my file. Once I found a new job opportunity I pulled some shit on purpose to get written up for the third time.…

I had an employer fuck with me a bunch a few years back now, it was obvious they were looking for reasons to get rid of everyone including me, so I slowly gave them reasons after the shop dwindled down from three employees to just me. After my second write up I was working an overtime shift on a project that could've easily been done had I had help from the guy that worked the order desk upfront but would help to catch up like every other project because management got rid of the rest of the shop guys.

So i was alone in the building after hours and went into the bosses desk and stole the two hard copys of my write ups out of my file.

Once I found a new job opportunity I pulled some shit on purpose to get written up for the third time.

I was called into the office and got the whole “well you know after this it's your third write up and we're..” I cut him off and said “3rd????” After a few back n fourths I asked to see the other two write ups because I “for the life of me never remember getting written up ever.”

I'll never forget the look on his face when he realized he couldn't produce the paperwork and told me to go back to what I was working on.

I ended up working the rest of the day which was a Friday and when I came into work Monday morning they had a decent severance package for me and on-top of it I was actually starting my new job the following Monday.


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