
Antiwork by heart, but…

I'm antiwork by heart, but there are times when I really like to work to stay busy and to just do my part. For 8 years I had a minimum wage job. Management was terrible, crappy pay, and everyone was so careless. The people I worked with were just something else. I stuck in out for so long until I finally found my “dream” job. I work in healthcare now. It's been a year now that I've started my dream job. Pay is good, but could be better. The benefits are good. At first I really enjoyed it, until the newness wore off in a few months. As of right now, the communication and management from my coworkers suck! It doesn't help that I work with many Type A personality people who have to have things done their way and when they don't get their way, that's when drama starts.…

I'm antiwork by heart, but there are times when I really like to work to stay busy and to just do my part.

For 8 years I had a minimum wage job. Management was terrible, crappy pay, and everyone was so careless. The people I worked with were just something else. I stuck in out for so long until I finally found my “dream” job. I work in healthcare now. It's been a year now that I've started my dream job. Pay is good, but could be better. The benefits are good. At first I really enjoyed it, until the newness wore off in a few months. As of right now, the communication and management from my coworkers suck! It doesn't help that I work with many Type A personality people who have to have things done their way and when they don't get their way, that's when drama starts. I'm more of a Type B personality. Yes, I do like to have some control over things, but I am more laid back. I avoid all drama and keep to myself. The people I work with make such a big deal out of things, that really has an easy solution to fix.

It's not that I'll leave my current place of employment, but I'm starting to not enjoy going to work much. I don't want to end up depressed and have anxiety going into to work just to deal with my coworkers bitch and complain about this and that. I left one toxic environment in hopes of not ending up in another.

Sorry, I just needed to vent.

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