
Any advice for me because I literally can’t leave her job but it’s making me physically ill?

I took a job in another state to be close to family. They offered a substantial bonus to take the job, and since it was the state I needed to be in, I accepted. The only condition was that I have to stay with the company for two years or pay back the full bonus amount, which at the time seemed reasonable. Unfortunately things are pretty bad at my work. Twice now in the last year I have been offered a promotion only for it to be taken away. Both times I was essentially blamed for it, but it wasn't my fault. Once was because I didn't have enough training but no one actually trained me. The person who was supposed to train me took multiple long vacations (among other perks). I was blamed for not finding the time or doing enough work in comparison to others. I explained I…

I took a job in another state to be close to family. They offered a substantial bonus to take the job, and since it was the state I needed to be in, I accepted. The only condition was that I have to stay with the company for two years or pay back the full bonus amount, which at the time seemed reasonable.

Unfortunately things are pretty bad at my work. Twice now in the last year I have been offered a promotion only for it to be taken away. Both times I was essentially blamed for it, but it wasn't my fault. Once was because I didn't have enough training but no one actually trained me. The person who was supposed to train me took multiple long vacations (among other perks). I was blamed for not finding the time or doing enough work in comparison to others. I explained I was being run ragged, but my boss dismissed it. The second time I accepted a different position, but less than a week later it was taken back and had to be “earned”. But surprise, my boss seems to be trying to recruit another person with the promise of internal growth, and this person seems like she would like grow into the position that was taken away from me. Now I am being run ragged to the point I am physically ill. I desperately want to leave but I don't have the money to give back. I used it to move. I am genuinely not sure how I am going to last another year in this company.

I know it's a long shot but does anyone have any advice?

To add, both promotions were well within my capability. I have extensive experience and education to do the jobs. So that wasn't the issue.

*To add – sorry my heading should have said “…I literally can't leave my job”.

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