
Any older health care workers?

I have been an RN for going on 31 years and like so many, I absolutely hate my job. I remember thinking over thirty years ago what a fucked up societal plan it is to work almost the entirety of your adult life, giving up the best years of your life for a job that most people genuinely dislike. Yes, I’m grateful for all that I do have, but for all those years of toil, what do I have; an 11 year old vehicle, a bike, some money (not a lot), IRAs/401K (modest amounts)a few vacations, misc electronics and clothing. I gave up so many years of my life for a career that I was passionless about and that stole my soul. Going to work when my knees and back hurt, missing out on so many beautiful, sunny days…. My body is tired, my spirit is tired and I desperately…

I have been an RN for going on 31 years and like so many, I absolutely hate my job. I remember thinking over thirty years ago what a fucked up societal plan it is to work almost the entirety of your adult life, giving up the best years of your life for a job that most people genuinely dislike. Yes, I’m grateful for all that I do have, but for all those years of toil, what do I have; an 11 year old vehicle, a bike, some money (not a lot), IRAs/401K (modest amounts)a few vacations, misc electronics and clothing. I gave up so many years of my life for a career that I was passionless about and that stole my soul. Going to work when my knees and back hurt, missing out on so many beautiful, sunny days…. My body is tired, my spirit is tired and I desperately want to quit (the stress is killing me) but just so I can continue have a roof overhead, food to eat, a vehicle to drive, and very basic, low tier, crappy, health insurance, and not have to eat cat food if I ever do retire, I must keep pulling the plow! Is this really as good as it gets

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