
Any Other “Young” People Feel Like They Get Bullied By Older People At Work?

I'm in the midst of some health issues that are going to take me out of work for a bit. I'm also have financial issues and car issues. Needless to say, I'm stressed at the moment. I'm trying to put on a brave face and smile and be bubbly because the customers love that. I want to work well and go home. That's it. I have a good relationship with a few coworkers and we joke and chit chat here and there. I don't talk more than they do. They don't talk more than I do. It's a neutral flow of conversation and information. I came in today and my supervisor pulled me aside and said that “me need to comment on everything” annoyed the manager so much the other day that I was almost sent home for it. I was blindsided. My supervisor also said I was annoying her.…

I'm in the midst of some health issues that are going to take me out of work for a bit. I'm also have financial issues and car issues. Needless to say, I'm stressed at the moment. I'm trying to put on a brave face and smile and be bubbly because the customers love that. I want to work well and go home. That's it.

I have a good relationship with a few coworkers and we joke and chit chat here and there. I don't talk more than they do. They don't talk more than I do. It's a neutral flow of conversation and information.

I came in today and my supervisor pulled me aside and said that “me need to comment on everything” annoyed the manager so much the other day that I was almost sent home for it. I was blindsided. My supervisor also said I was annoying her.

It hurt my feelings really badly because I'm just trying to be there for my coworkers and be present in communication so I don't seem uninterested, distant, or unapproachable (things I've been reprimanded for in the past) I also just really like my coworkers.

I got all my work done, returned all missed calls, did all my duties, and more. My ability to work and getting the job done is not a problem for me.

What also hurt me was that my manager wasn't even on the floor that day, so how did she know what I was saying? I know she keeps her door open, so maybe she just heard us. But still… I wish she'd just told me herself rather than sending someone else.

I'm feeling increasingly alienated, overlooked, and ignored. I'm getting my ass chewed for things I have no control over, like not having access to a program and the admin doing nothing about it when I asked seven times. I was told to leave the manager alone, so I did, and tried to handle it myself, but then got in trouble for not saying anything.

I got in trouble for not asking another co-worker to handle something when I was explicitly told they were too busy and needed to complete their work as a priority.

I have also been privy to some ugly and offensive comments about minorities, the homeless, and LGBTQ+ people. I was religiously attacked twice for my stances.

I haven't said anything because I know it will come back to bite me.

I want to transfer from my area to another one when I can. I just hope that I actually can because it's obvious that I don't fit in and that I'm not welcomed.

I can't quit my job. I have to have healthcare right now. There also isn't anything else nearby that pays enough to live on because I'm in a low income, rural area that's a bit of a job desert.

This happens to me a lot. I'm either condescending and unapproachable or I'm annoying and talk too much.

I know if it smells like shit everywhere you go you should check your shoe, but I have tried to recondition myself to be more cheerful and likeable and I have tried to integrate into this work place.

I feel like I have a spotlight on me. The higher ups speak to me far more harshly than they do other older coworkers. I feel like it's because of my age. I never fight back because everything in the past I've stood up for myself, it's ended horribly. I just nod my head, hold back tears, and apologize. It's the only way I know I'll have a job and healthcare tomorrow.

I'm not a bad person. I'm sure I'm actually a lot like everyone else if they gave me a chance. I'm positive we'd have commonalities like music and movies and love of clothes and shoes and makeup.

I don't know what it is about me that makes me so… Divisive. I'm honest, I'm open, I always jump to help others. I know I'm not exactly what most southerns would think I am, but I wouldn't hurt a fly.

If it's religion or beliefs, that's a goofy thing to get hung up on. My difference don't make me a different person than I was 20 minutes before you knew about that haha

I'm just sad. And hurt. I look up to my manager. Oh well. Sometimes you think you have a great opportunity and it just kinda… Dissolves. I'm used to that. I have lots of dead dreams.

I told my husband that a wish doesn't want to be my dream in the same way no one wants to be Chris Redfield's teammate, because they'll end up dead haha

Ah… Anyway. Huh. I wonder if this is how it's going to be for the rest of my life. I hope not.

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