
Anyone else feel like your best diet, sleep and exercise routine isn’t good enough for your job?

I keep having the same problem where the list of responsibilities at work keeps getting bigger and bigger and every week I feel more tired than the last week and even though I endlessly try to adapt my diet, sleep and exercise routine it just doesn't seem to help that much. I end up feeling ill and spending all my time resting and recovering only to feel more tired the following week. I ensure that I sleep well every night by taking sleep supplements 3 hours before bed, like valerian root, chamomile tea, l-theanine and magnesium. I listen to Yoga Nidra videos on YouTube until I fall asleep. I also have my own epilepsy medication which helps a great deal. Then every day I eat like a bowl of porridge with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a handful of blueberries and then for my main meal I eat a…

I keep having the same problem where the list of responsibilities at work keeps getting bigger and bigger and every week I feel more tired than the last week and even though I endlessly try to adapt my diet, sleep and exercise routine it just doesn't seem to help that much. I end up feeling ill and spending all my time resting and recovering only to feel more tired the following week.

I ensure that I sleep well every night by taking sleep supplements 3 hours before bed, like valerian root, chamomile tea, l-theanine and magnesium. I listen to Yoga Nidra videos on YouTube until I fall asleep. I also have my own epilepsy medication which helps a great deal.

Then every day I eat like a bowl of porridge with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a handful of blueberries and then for my main meal I eat a chicken breast with rice, lentils, kidney beans, potato, broccoli with 3 teaspoons of salt and vinegar all mashed up and mixed together.

I do moderate exercise because I usually work physically demanding jobs, so I go for a big run once a week but only on the weekends and then I'll do maybe do two light body weight workouts towards the end of the week when I feel like I need a bit more energy, ironically it works.

Still this isn't good enough and I've had to quit my job because I started feeling exhausted and ill.

I feel like I've tried every routine under the sun and either I'm not working hard enough or I'm working hard but I'm exhausted and I've got no energy to do anything else besides work.

I used to eat 10 eggs, a load of potatoes and chicken mashed up with salt and vinegar and then do 2 circuits in a row with 5 compound barbell exercises and bodyweight exercises about 3 to 4 times with 6 minutes rest in between and then do a 10 minute run with sprints thrown in and then be really productive at work but then people would think I'm high on drugs or crazy and women think I'm trying to hit on them lol.

Does anyone relate to this?

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