
Anyone else find themselves constantly flashing back to childhood, high school, and college when you’re working?

Basically whenever I'm at work (I teach at a charter school) I find myself going back 5, 10, 15 years ago constantly, going back to my life before constant wage slaving, back to my life before my girlfriend and mother and last remaining friend (best friend since junior year of hs) to keep me tethered to reality. Currently 25, finished uni in 2021, finished HS in 2016, every fucking day I just find myself going back to those days, to faces I no longer see anymore, to places I haven't stepped foot in since, to words once said, emotions once felt, hopes I didn't realize, choices I fucked up that put me where I am. Not only do I hate wage slaving, I always would have, I truly fucking hate where I work, it fills me with despair, I didn't like being a kid that much but this horrible charter…

Basically whenever I'm at work (I teach at a charter school) I find myself going back 5, 10, 15 years ago constantly, going back to my life before constant wage slaving, back to my life before my girlfriend and mother and last remaining friend (best friend since junior year of hs) to keep me tethered to reality.

Currently 25, finished uni in 2021, finished HS in 2016, every fucking day I just find myself going back to those days, to faces I no longer see anymore, to places I haven't stepped foot in since, to words once said, emotions once felt, hopes I didn't realize, choices I fucked up that put me where I am.

Not only do I hate wage slaving, I always would have, I truly fucking hate where I work, it fills me with despair, I didn't like being a kid that much but this horrible charter school system really robs these children of any sort of childhood, I went to strict schools but these kids are like little inmates here.

Every day, every fucking day, you aren't free as a kid, obviously not, but you are free from wage slaving, and while you're still in school you have the hope that one day you will be free, once you're out of it you realize you were never going to be granted freedom and the stifling controlled environment of the education system is the closest thing to freedom and community you ever fucking get.

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