
Anyone else hesitant about having kids because of having to work and living pay check to pay check??

Need to not be homeless and afford food, housing, clothes, supplies, literally everything so you are forced to work 8-12 hours a day 5-7 days a week in order to provide for your family? You get what, 4 weeks to possibly a little more of time off after having a kid. Then you have to go back to work because you are only granted x number of maternity or paternity leave and now you have to pay for daycare from then on til age 5 when you can put them in school. Then your work schedule doesn't line up where you can pick them up and need to pay a babysitter til they can be home alone at age 14. All while you are missing recitals, games, birthdays because your employer needs you to stay late to finish stuff that is not important or doesnt actually matter. If you can…

Need to not be homeless and afford food, housing, clothes, supplies, literally everything so you are forced to work 8-12 hours a day 5-7 days a week in order to provide for your family?

You get what, 4 weeks to possibly a little more of time off after having a kid. Then you have to go back to work because you are only granted x number of maternity or paternity leave and now you have to pay for daycare from then on til age 5 when you can put them in school.
Then your work schedule doesn't line up where you can pick them up and need to pay a babysitter til they can be home alone at age 14. All while you are missing recitals, games, birthdays because your employer needs you to stay late to finish stuff that is not important or doesnt actually matter.

If you can actually afford to retire at age 65 then you get like what, a few years of free quality time with them except now they are adults and are working majority of time or have moved away.

I don't even have kids and the cost of living just to afford everything is terrifying. Especially with my college debt I'll be paying off for the next 20 years.

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