
Anyone know something to help?

My job is seasonal about 9 months but they require me to take 13 weeks off before calling me back. Used to be I could get by on unemployment as that was 26 weeks and would cover me well till I started again. That was usually 14-16 weeks. Well Kentucky cut theirs back to only 12. Opposition was from both urban and rural which surprised me. But the fact is the cost vs payout on many jobs isn't there. Drive like 30 miles a day for 9 an hour. It's a pittance and you hardly have anything after fuel and taxes. So I'm looking for remote work or someone who can guide me on getting this challenged. A compromise of 24 weeks was given but oh no, can't have that. “No one wants to work” even though studies showed TIME AND AGAIN that the extra pandemic money did not cause…

My job is seasonal about 9 months but they require me to take 13 weeks off before calling me back. Used to be I could get by on unemployment as that was 26 weeks and would cover me well till I started again. That was usually 14-16 weeks.

Well Kentucky cut theirs back to only 12. Opposition was from both urban and rural which surprised me. But the fact is the cost vs payout on many jobs isn't there. Drive like 30 miles a day for 9 an hour. It's a pittance and you hardly have anything after fuel and taxes.

So I'm looking for remote work or someone who can guide me on getting this challenged. A compromise of 24 weeks was given but oh no, can't have that. “No one wants to work” even though studies showed TIME AND AGAIN that the extra pandemic money did not cause that.

Option b is move back in with mom look for work up there to send money back. I'll tell my husband though “if you can avoid spending money in Kentucky, do it” because he's getting pissed off at how everything's run because fatalistic mindsets of boomers who never left the county are holding it back. This is nuts. They complain about “oh we don't have a skilled workforce” well no shit! You chase off anyone who could bring that to the table.

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