
Anyone struggle to keep a job?

In my head I feel like I’m so somebody in life that won’t allow some boss to run over me. As if I’m something special. I ain’t smart and clever to start my own business and work for myself and earn. But there are millions of people who work for others like a company or institution to get paid and living life like buying food and paying for rent/ bills. In my head I just don’t like the idea of working for someone else because there is always someone superior than me that I have to follow the rules and regulations. Being underneath the top management of company like a manager, supervisor and what not. This idea of working paycheck to paycheck and save as much as you could then spend the rest on daily essentials of living life. Some jobs are so strict that don’t give you a raise.…

In my head I feel like I’m so somebody in life that won’t allow some boss to run over me. As if I’m something special. I ain’t smart and clever to start my own business and work for myself and earn. But there are millions of people who work for others like a company or institution to get paid and living life like buying food and paying for rent/ bills. In my head I just don’t like the idea of working for someone else because there is always someone superior than me that I have to follow the rules and regulations. Being underneath the top management of company like a manager, supervisor and what not. This idea of working paycheck to paycheck and save as much as you could then spend the rest on daily essentials of living life. Some jobs are so strict that don’t give you a raise. Don’t allow over time. Majority of management sucks. Getting mistreated and this creates anxiety and emotional/mental stress. There is stress at work then at home like
what is this life..

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