
Approved time-off request being revoked after purchasing plane tickets?

Hello everyone. I put in a time-off request for the shoulder season in our store (when we are the least busiest). I wrote an email to my boss WELL in advance, explaining in detail why I needed the time off (family situation) and specifying the dates that I’d be gone multiple times. I was going to be gone for all of August. I let him know in late April. He came back to me and said I was approved. I bought my plane tickets, told my parents, and basically prepared for my trip to Europe (where I’m from). Now, a month after he approved me for my time off, he pulls me aside at work and tells me he can no longer approve my time off. His reason is he misread my email and didn’t understand that I meant all of August. I tried to explain that I had already…

Hello everyone.

I put in a time-off request for the shoulder season in our store (when we are the least busiest). I wrote an email to my boss WELL in advance, explaining in detail why I needed the time off (family situation) and specifying the dates that I’d be gone multiple times. I was going to be gone for all of August. I let him know in late April.

He came back to me and said I was approved. I bought my plane tickets, told my parents, and basically prepared for my trip to Europe (where I’m from).

Now, a month after he approved me for my time off, he pulls me aside at work and tells me he can no longer approve my time off. His reason is he misread my email and didn’t understand that I meant all of August. I tried to explain that I had already spent over $1000 in plane tickets, but he retorted by saying that if I knew I was going to request that much time off, I should have spoken to him in person before doing any of this just to confirm the dates. He then said he could give me 6 days instead, and that I’d have to be back by that point, which is not nearly enough.

What can I even do at this point? It feels like there is no way for me to keep my job and get my time off that I need. Is there any fault as far as approved time off being revoked? Thanks everyone.

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