
Are you honest in engagement surveys?

It doesn’t seem to matter anyway, last time we got such low scores in my regional office the head HR guy came in from across the county. At the end of a BS presentation he literally said if you don’t want to work here you should probably find a new job because if you look at our social media we’re doing import things here you should be proud of. The company is greenwashed to hell while producing hundreds (probably thousands) of pounds of useless products. I don’t plan on staying past the end of the year why rock the boat?

It doesn’t seem to matter anyway, last time we got such low scores in my regional office the head HR guy came in from across the county. At the end of a BS presentation he literally said if you don’t want to work here you should probably find a new job because if you look at our social media we’re doing import things here you should be proud of. The company is greenwashed to hell while producing hundreds (probably thousands) of pounds of useless products.

I don’t plan on staying past the end of the year why rock the boat?

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