
Asked to go part time as me and my partner were trying for kids after we got married, came back from honeymoon to my position made redundant.

I got married last month and took 3 weeks off for a honeymoon. Just before my honeymoon I asked my area manager and direct manager about changing my fulltime role into a part time role at 29 hours a week, saying that my partner and I are looking to start a family and we need to have more time together. While I’m on annual leave they advertise for a fulltime role of what I’ve been doing, they hire someone and on my first day back I am taken into the managers office and told my position is now redundant. I have been there almost 7 years. A lot of hours worked for free under the disguise of my manager “looking after us” with flexibility.. but when you ask for flexibility in your hours because you plan on getting pregnant you are no longer of use. I fucking hate this place.

I got married last month and took 3 weeks off for a honeymoon. Just before my honeymoon I asked my area manager and direct manager about changing my fulltime role into a part time role at 29 hours a week, saying that my partner and I are looking to start a family and we need to have more time together.

While I’m on annual leave they advertise for a fulltime role of what I’ve been doing, they hire someone and on my first day back I am taken into the managers office and told my position is now redundant.
I have been there almost 7 years.
A lot of hours worked for free under the disguise of my manager “looking after us” with flexibility.. but when you ask for flexibility in your hours because you plan on getting pregnant you are no longer of use.
I fucking hate this place.

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