
Asked to take a 5-15% pay decrease to get a promotion and go on salary

One of the oddest situations I have been in professionally that made me question everything I know about business, leaders, and management. My company is in the midst of submitting an offer to make me a salary employee (I already know the dangers and I have considered this). While discussing the status, my boss informed me that the benefit of being a salary employee will be to have my pay cut 5-15% from where I am at right now making an hourly wage. I make $31/hour as a quality assurance inspector and project management consultant. The official statement from the executive team was “It was only fair to promote me with a pay deduction since everyone else who is salary at the company has taken the same pay cut to keep the business open.” Their main customer (90%+ of their business) has turned off the spigot. Everyone has to take…

One of the oddest situations I have been in professionally that made me question everything I know about business, leaders, and management.

My company is in the midst of submitting an offer to make me a salary employee (I already know the dangers and I have considered this). While discussing the status, my boss informed me that the benefit of being a salary employee will be to have my pay cut 5-15% from where I am at right now making an hourly wage.

I make $31/hour as a quality assurance inspector and project management consultant.

The official statement from the executive team was “It was only fair to promote me with a pay deduction since everyone else who is salary at the company has taken the same pay cut to keep the business open.” Their main customer (90%+ of their business) has turned off the spigot. Everyone has to take pay cuts and furloughs in order to keep the doors open, forcing many to only work 32 hours a week at most with massive threats and penalties for anyone who works a second of overtime without approval.

I raised an eyebrow and waited for the follow up. My boss was actually rational and pushed hard for no pay cut, but obviously no mention of a pay raise either. It appears that I will be working on my same pay scale (converted from hourly to salary) and work more hours to make up the hours I lost while I was furloughed.

Furloughed while being an hourly employee, mind you.

So work 32 hours a week at full “pay” or work 50+ hours at “same pay” because I am a “team player.”

I have to say my mind is blown at the moment.

Now, this isn't official yet. They are still hammering out how much they want to pay and will present “soon,” but I know these offers will be in bad faith and will put a target on my back for sure later on down the road.

If we don't have our second layoff of the year in a few weeks, of course.

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