
Assaulted by a coworker

So I’m an RN at a small community hospital in a cardiac cath lab. My job is to monitor the patient as well as sedate them. So I work routinely with drugs like fentanyl and versed. I’ve been there about 2 months and love my job and coworkers except for one. We will call her A. A is a bully. She’s been allowed to get away with her behavior due to shortages and the pandemic. I’ve reported her behavior to administration but HR does nothing. Monday during a case she was removing and moving my medication syringes. She is not an RN and should not be touching the medications. I took the syringes from her and told her clearly but politely to not touch my medications again. They were pulled using my credentials and I didn’t want her touching them. She has also been introducing herself to patients using my…

So I’m an RN at a small community hospital in a cardiac cath lab. My job is to monitor the patient as well as sedate them. So I work routinely with drugs like fentanyl and versed. I’ve been there about 2 months and love my job and coworkers except for one. We will call her A.

A is a bully. She’s been allowed to get away with her behavior due to shortages and the pandemic. I’ve reported her behavior to administration but HR does nothing. Monday during a case she was removing and moving my medication syringes. She is not an RN and should not be touching the medications. I took the syringes from her and told her clearly but politely to not touch my medications again. They were pulled using my credentials and I didn’t want her touching them. She has also been introducing herself to patients using my name, which I’ve told her to stop. I don’t find it funny and it’s unprofessional.

Yesterday we had a meeting with our director, just the three of us. I brought up my concerns and she began screaming. I was called every name you can think of including that I’m a racist because I don’t like her because shes not white. For clarification, she’s Arab as is my husband. I had enough and told my director that I was leaving. I dropped my badge in her desk and walked out.

I walked to the control room of the lab to grab my jacket and A followed me in there. She was still running her mouth and blocked me from leaving. She then grabbed the bicep area of both of my arms HARD. I told her to let me go and instead she squeezed even harder. I was able to break out if her grip and pushed her from me. I quickly left the room and went to the main area where there were people to retrieve the rest of my belongings. She grabbed me a second time and this time there were multiple witnesses. I immediately went with my director to HR to file assault charges.

I was really shaken up and went home afterwards. She was told to leave and refused. Finally the CNO had to come and make her go home. The hospital policy is zero tolerance for violence. She should be fired right? Nope. She’s suspended only and they don’t feel that 2 witnesses are enough. I cannot afford to quit my job at this time but to be honest I’m scared of her physically assaulting me again and doing worse.

I’m contemplating requesting a PPO but thought I’d see if any of you good people had other ideas. Please don’t tell me to quit, I can’t afford that at the moment.

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