
Assistant manager aggressively bossing around new 16 year old worker

I don't know if there is anything legal (USA) that I can do for this new co-worker at our place. Otherwise, he's just going to be abused every single second he comes in to work. He's just 16 years old and was hired to be a 'team member' at a fast food retail. Let's name him Bob. He's only getting paid $8 per hour. He was hired by the store manager and is only going to be working until he graduates high school on June 2023. Anyway, his first day of training (which started just four days ago), he was told by the store manager that one of the assistant managers (let's just name him John) is going to be assigned in training him. I knew right away that John had a stupid and immature reaction after being told by the store manager to train Bob. John told Bob to…

I don't know if there is anything legal (USA) that I can do for this new co-worker at our place. Otherwise, he's just going to be abused every single second he comes in to work. He's just 16 years old and was hired to be a 'team member' at a fast food retail. Let's name him Bob. He's only getting paid $8 per hour. He was hired by the store manager and is only going to be working until he graduates high school on June 2023.

Anyway, his first day of training (which started just four days ago), he was told by the store manager that one of the assistant managers (let's just name him John) is going to be assigned in training him. I knew right away that John had a stupid and immature reaction after being told by the store manager to train Bob. John told Bob to 'quickly memorize everything by today.' on his first training day. Meaning, Bob had to memorize how to make every single fast food item on the menu, where to get the ingredients, how to pack them and even to clean up the area by sweeping, mopping, picking up trash and even cleaning the stations used to make the food.

On Bob's second day, Bob got tired after working for three hours straight, which is normal for a 16 YEAR OLD doing his first ever job. Bob even came from school and directly went to the store to work. Meaning, Bob had no rest since he started school in the morning and had to work at the store from 5pm-10pm. At around 8pm, Bob decided to sit down on one of the chairs to rest his legs.

While Bob was sitting, not even one minute passed by until John saw him sitting down. John got very mad and yelled at him saying, “Hey! Aren't you on the clock?! Go back and do something!” Bob got scared and quickly hurried back to the kitchen area and, as a complete beginner, was asking others what else he should do. It was a very slow day with barely any customers coming in. There's no need to clean because the food station was already cleaned minutes ago. There's no need to prep ingredients or food because it was already done an hour ago.

Bob was just standing back at the kitchen area trying to find something to do until John yelled, “If you don't want to be sent home early, then go mop the entire floor here. Fuck man. You can't just sit around here.” While Bob was mopping, several orders ringed up at once. You see, John was supposed to help Bob in making the food on his second day. But….John just left Bob alone to do all of the orders. At one point, John screamed at Bob and said, “WORK FASTER! JESUS CHRIST.” Meanwhile, what does John do? Nothing. He just goes to the back office, sits down, browse on his phone for a few minutes, then goes back to yelling at Bob.

On Bob's third day, he wanted to take a 30-minute break after working for two hours. John said, “No. You can't have a break because you're only working for six hours. You can only have a break if you're working for eight hours or more.” Again, John scolded Bob and said, “If you're so lazy to work, then just quit already.”

On Bob's fourth day, John decided to be more aggressive towards Bob. If Bob finishes an order, John yells at him to sweep the floor. If Bob finishes sweeping the floor (despite there being nothing to sweep), John tells him to mop. If Bob finishes mopping, John tells him to fold dozens of boxes. If Bob finishes folding boxes, John tells him to refill the ingredients of food station. If John finishes refilling the station, John tells him to sweep again. During all of those, orders would ring in to the system and Bob is left alone to make the food of those orders by himself.

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