
At a loss with medical stuff.

I had two jobs from the past 4 years that I put into either a HSA or FSA. This is on me for not looking at the full details, but since I haven't worked there for 2 years+ the money I put into has been wiped out. I don't go to the doctors because, as you all know, crazy expensive so I was holding onto my cards until something came up. Something came up and now needing to use the money, but my accounts have been wiped out and any money I put into them either were wiped out due to no usage or the funds went back to my last job since they were pretax dollars. I'm at a loss. I paid into these and the companies I worked for (and who they worked with these HSA/FSA accounts) just took my money.

I had two jobs from the past 4 years that I put into either a HSA or FSA. This is on me for not looking at the full details, but since I haven't worked there for 2 years+ the money I put into has been wiped out. I don't go to the doctors because, as you all know, crazy expensive so I was holding onto my cards until something came up. Something came up and now needing to use the money, but my accounts have been wiped out and any money I put into them either were wiped out due to no usage or the funds went back to my last job since they were pretax dollars.

I'm at a loss. I paid into these and the companies I worked for (and who they worked with these HSA/FSA accounts) just took my money.

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