So I (21f) just started a new job today. An off brand mall pretzel place. I was previously working at a very toxic Wendy’s in my area. It was probably one of the worst jobs I’ve ever had. Undervalued, overworked, underpaid, mistreated, disrespected and disorganized. I am hoping this job will go well, only 4 employees so no drama and a chill, small store.
I started on the register. And as someone with tons of experience in food and customer service, I’m used to letting the customer know I’m new so it may take a bit longer. We had a total of 12 people come through my register in a 3 hour training shift. And 5 of them replied to my apology with “at least you are working” with one particularly burly man (probably a rancher) continuing on to say “it’s better than sitting at home collecting government checks.”
I wish I had been collecting government checks. Instead of subjecting myself to the abuse of the fast food industry. That would have been a dream.