
At my wits end with my remote employer

I'm going to have to find a different job. I moved out of state and kept remote with my employer. They knew that I would be required to pay state taxes in the new state. I had to move because of my family member's job. There is documentation of this. It's been over 5 months and: They haven't withheld and then paid any of my state taxes. When I talked about paying a portion on my own – I was falsely told to not do it because if I did – the employer couldn't pay their portion. I was encouraged to NOT speak with the state department for taxes. I spoke to a CPA today and was advised that the state could levy fines against me for paying income state taxes late. Taxes are due quarterly in this state. Also, I've learned staff is taking medicine/vaccines out of the clinic…

I'm going to have to find a different job.

I moved out of state and kept remote with my employer.

They knew that I would be required to pay state taxes in the new state. I had to move because of my family member's job. There is documentation of this.

It's been over 5 months and:

They haven't withheld and then paid any of my state taxes.

When I talked about paying a portion on my own – I was falsely told to not do it because if I did – the employer couldn't pay their portion.

I was encouraged to NOT speak with the state department for taxes.

I spoke to a CPA today and was advised that the state could levy fines against me for paying income state taxes late. Taxes are due quarterly in this state.

Also, I've learned staff is taking medicine/vaccines out of the clinic to their house, including unlicensed staff.

An employee was bullied for a protected personal characteristic, they offered them no help and when this employee went higher up – they fired them.

There are other things but from these things – it's why I'm leaving the name of the employer and locations out of this post.

I've seen them retaliate against employees for speaking out. I'm afraid I will be retailed against for speaking to a professional and paying what was estimated to be due for one quarter of this year.

Or they will bully me and try to tell me lies.

The original person in charge of payroll has no HR or tax experience.

Thank you for listening. I'm tired and stressed.

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