
At what point would you guys tell your bosses to quit having to update them (micromanage)?

Work in the accounting field, have been with this job for well over a year. Wanted to point out that yes, aggressively looking for a new job , however I still have to stick up for myself while being employed We just switched over to a new ERP (Enterprise resource planning) and its been two weeks now switching over. Because its a new system and yes its alot slower than what I was using before. My bosses have been wanting me to update them when every single task is done. Basically over the last year i have never had to update them on what im doing on a hourly basis, do i just give it a few more weeks until they see this new system were on is well and isnt giving us issues, they tell me its for communications. Oh and now they want to schedule my break, which…

Work in the accounting field, have been with this job for well over a year. Wanted to point out that yes, aggressively looking for a new job , however I still have to stick up for myself while being employed

We just switched over to a new ERP (Enterprise resource planning) and its been two weeks now switching over. Because its a new system and yes its alot slower than what I was using before.

My bosses have been wanting me to update them when every single task is done. Basically over the last year i have never had to update them on what im doing on a hourly basis, do i just give it a few more weeks until they see this new system were on is well and isnt giving us issues, they tell me its for communications.

Oh and now they want to schedule my break, which is something i definitely am not complying considering for the last year I have been going on break whenever i wanted to, and the reason for this is because they were looking for me the other day and couldn't find me , which gave them the petty decision of now scheduling my break. Ive told them i will message them both of when i go on breaks, and theyve refused.

To me this isnt normal considering i have been there well over a year and this all happened because I lost out on my promotion two weeks ago and i showed signs the next day i wasnt happy , well i didnt react the best way possible, and theyre claiming my behaivor has changed. Well no shit, it takes time to recover after losing out on a promotion. Im like 95% over with not getting the promotion, but at some point, either i play the game back with updating every single thing i do and let them micromanage me or i tell them to stop

Just a quick google search of

They (bosses) ask for frequent updates

Answer it gives This is a clear sign of micromanagement. Managers like this have little to no trust and patience with their employees and become overly involved in every project.

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