I just secured another job bc my boss has been relentlessly taking advantage of me for $9.50/hr and I need to put my two weeks in ASAP. I’m not gonna be able to see my boss in person again for almost a week – he works when I’m in class. Is putting my two weeks in over text something that’d make him hostile towards me? I want to leave on a good note bc I have enjoyed my job & my boss for the most part until recently. I would word it professionally, but it feels wrong texting him. Update I texted him I’m scared that my ass is about to get eaten but I have the weight of a large angry boss man lifted off of my shoulders ️
Author: Olivia
Moving on…
Minus Bucks Always
Rut rohhhh!!!!
Why do we work?
Why can’t we all just be paid $15M annually by the government to live off? Why do we have to provide essential services to society that otherwise would cause us to collapse? I mean, do we really need workers anyways? We don’t need doctors, pilots, bankers, chefs, etc.
“Check in on a few things…”
When you get a meeting invite with this subject line on a Saturday of a 3-day weekend.