Just tell me what you want goddammit. I have ZERO interest in small talk with random work strangers. It’s such a waste of time to type back and forth and have a pointless conversation about the weather when you could have just told me what you needed from me from the get go. This infuriates me, which makes me question why I even went into HR is it rude to just leave these on read and not reply to them at all? Surely they’ll follow up with a message indicating what they want if it’s that important? I’m getting severely burnt out, and 15+ of these message daily certainly doesn’t help.
Author: Olivia
Start those Antiworkers young!
I have 7+ years of restaurant and bartending experience. I currently work in an office but am seeking to leave because it’s too far and I’m barely making due financially. I’ve NEVER struggled to find a job and have always been confident and well-spoken during interviews. I even do things the old fashioned way, speaking to the hiring manager directly, shaking their hand, and handing them a card stock copy of my peer-reviewed resume with references. I have not heard anything back. I have 8 more jobs to follow up with and I’m PRAYING I’ll get something. Even jobs who have posted job listings are saying they’re not hiring before they even look at my resume— why? I know it’s slow season for restaurants in the dead of winter, but surely of 20 places at least ONE would hire me? What am I doing wrong here?!? I’m desperate.
Flashback intensifies…
I've been watching interviews with mass shooters on YouTube and a common theme is a lot of them had directionless lives. Working dead end jobs being exploited and not having anywhere to go. Basically just existing and not ever living a day in their life. Also suffering from mental illness or depression which goes untreated because they can't afford therapy or medication or because they've been told it's for weak men. Obviously mass shooters are terrible people but when a person has a basically nonexistent life, and they begin to believe their life is meaningless, how unbelievable is it to think they'll think other people's lives don't matter either? And the terrorists who do hate crimes are really just blaming their problems on someone else, like another race, because the reality that the system the entire United States is built on is crushing them is so much harder to believe…