
it still amazes me to this day how much work control your life

Normally I just come here to read. but I was thinking today how much work controls your life. I've had jobs that told me the day before my wedding that I had asked off for a year in advance that I would not allowed to go to my wedding or my honeymoon and I was forced to be at work have many stories like that. But now at 38 it's still amazes me that my job expects so much from me and so much time. I just had a cruise planned but now I have to cancel because my job again at last minute decided that I can't be gone for 7 Days on a cruise and I was supposed to leave here shortly but if I don't I'll lose my job I'll lose my house I'll lose everything I have just which jobs didn't control your life so much…


Found this on Craigslist


OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers Making $2 an Hour to Filter Traumatic Content from ChatGPT


Might as well move on to the next posting!


Vent about another employer who doesn’t care

I'm not usually one to air my dirty laundry, but I need to vent to someone that isn't my husband and I feel like you all will understand. I work for a large hospital as a pathology technician. Basically that is a glorified phlebotomist that gets to do some lab processing and has a Bachelor's in Science. For about 3 months I was working strictly in the lab (as in not out on the flood drawing blood) due to an injury. One of my jobs was to make sure the patient list was getting drawn and to occasionally page people to go draw rooms. There is this one co-worker who has treated me downright terrible since about my second week at this job. Honestly it is whatever because I am old enough to know that not everyone can be friends and I really don't care if people don't like me.…


Being blatantly ignored after giving 2 weeks notice

I work at a small micromanaging company and resigned to my direct supervisor who was chill. But upper leadership who I work with far too closely ignored my notice, avoided me all day (no hi or goodbye), and avoided meetings because I was there. It’s childish and shallow. It’s just disgusting that once you give notice, some companies don’t see your value as a human being because you’re no longer going to be of use to them. Now going to quit after I receive my paycheck! No more two weeks for them.


Actual heart of stone

The conversation between our boss and my husband 2 days after his mom's funeral: Boss: I'm very disappointed you didn't get all the schedules done before you left. Husband: I did my best and I got 5 of the seven done. Boss: It's your responsibility to get them done before you leave. H: I understand but I wasn't going on vacation. I had to go plan my mother's funeral. Boss: I was wondering when that would come up. This isn't a big faceless corporation either. This is a 30-40 employees company. We are definitely NOT all a “family” here.


It really is a toxic relationship

Today, at my place of employment, there was held an Emergency Meeting. A mere 64 minutes transpired from this meeting's conception to it taking place. Because we are a 24/7 operation, there are human beings with families who love them and for whom this was the equivalent experience of being awoken in the middle of the night and having to be on a phone call at 3:30 in the morning. The purpose of this meeting was to allow management to allay everyone's concerns about layoffs. As I hardly need tell you, this meeting has had the exact opposite effect.


If you needed a sign to ask for a raise or find a higher paying job, I’m telling you, GO GET MORE MONEY! (You’re worth it!)


Boss asked me to drop off a check (after work). Left a couple minutes early trying to finish up as much as possible (usually leave 15 before my ‘clock out’ time of 6:30 when I’m going out of my way to drop off his mortgage check for an office he bought). Get to my car and get this BS text message.