
Some official and interesting numbers about the “normal millionaires” all around the world

Hey there, Here's the link: Basically, as far as America goes: -6.6% of Americans are worth 1 million dollars or more -2.5% of Americans are worth 2 million dollars or more Now, as far as the world goes: -0.7% of the worldwide population is worth 1 million dollars or more -0.25% of the worldwide population is worth 2 million dollars or more I just thought the data was interesting.


Marie Osmond says her kids won’t get an inheritance: All it does is ‘breed laziness and entitlement’


“Every successful CEO is sick of the whining”


Reposted, without names. Posted by a CCU nurse manager during the NYC strike. Ballsy. Seems post is now deleted.


This AI expert has 90 days to find a job — or leave the U.S.; but their bottom-line is the truth… STABILITY IS A MYTH!!


In an ideal world, a passion for ramen should not equate with overwork and debilitating physical health:


You know how some meetings can be an email.

Yesterday i was sick (I'm still sick but I'm back to work, to infect everyone i guess), and they required me to join (by video) a 4 hour meeting, to introduce the potential new COO to what we've been doing in the last six months. This meeting could have been an email, to the COO, no reason the entire company needed to even be there. And after they left there was about half an hour yelling about the disrespect my boss was showing the workers, not that anything got solved by that. This was a 4 hour meeting that could have been an email to someone else. (I'm starting a course tomorrow to leave this job, might take a while)


Felt like this belonged here…


Why not to work at Japanese companies- a random example

OK, point one. Once a year, a lower level team manager checks each printed paper we have on our desks and drawers. They look through one by one through each piece of paper we have, despite us printing and shredding pages of useless daily schedules every morning. Despite said inefficiency, they possess the sole power to decide what papers we keep and what we don’t. Now, witness this in action: we have 20 min of work left. None of this stupid document checking process requires my input as I said 50000 times already not one page has changed since last year. But no, at every other page, the manager is still like, ‘What is it for?’ I reply the same way for each one- ‘they’re handwritten notes.’ After a while, she stops asking, so I check my phone for 10 seconds, and she’s like ‘Why are you on your phone?’…


They can’t have it both ways. Bring back the checkout workers and give them seats!