
I’m a teacher and this was posted in our copy room… what else should I add?


can somebody please tell me what this means? i’m trying to enroll in health insurance through work and i don’t speak corporate


Davis Bacon 401k

Had a question I can't seem to find an answer to. I am currently in the construction trade and work on jobs that pay Davis Bacon wages. The Bacon wages for this employer go into my 401k which is nice and all but that money could do alot more for me now not in 30 years. I am wondering if there is any way to get around this and get that money on my paychecks. Also what is my employer gaining by not allowing it to be dispersed on a paycheck and only allowing it to contribute to my 401k? Thanks.


Wife required to go to work during expected flooding

So I'm currently out of state, otherwise it wouldn't be as much of an issue. But pretty much as the title says. She's working nights at a hospital and management is saying people are still expected to show up to work, despite the fact that the govt is expecting to have to close the only roads that lead back home (a lot of people commute from the next town over). They said that if there is flooding, they'll have hotel rooms booked for everyone affected. The thing is we have 3 cats at home and no one able to take care of them if my wife gets stuck at work for a day or two. The only employee protection laws I'm seeing are if the job site itself are threatened, not if the route to/from work is threatened. Is there anything we can do?


Real or “good fake” smile required


AI already took over the world


If our Life revolves around work then we are not truly living.

Say what you want even the Hater's know it's true.


How my company determines end of life and donation window for food


Hospitality is depressing

I had to get back into the hospitality industry after covid, and it’s really good at being depressing. Watching all these families come and have fun day after day, when my parents could never afford to take me on any kind of vacations or even bothered to be parents and have the happy moments I have to watch. I know I’m too old to be jealous, but fuck I hate that I’m stuck here working, while people come experience the things I never have.


FTC proposes ban on non-compete agreements

I thought this would be important to share with the sub here. We’ll see what happens with this proposed ban. CA and a couple other states already do this.