Author: Olivia
Work just Feels Empty Now
So, I have been told all my life “If you don't work, you don't eat,” which is a statement I still agree with today. I believe you have to put in some work to ensure your life and the lives of those closest to you are as good as possible. However, work nowadays, does not feel like I am really helping anyone and certainly not myself. Watching the new Avatar movie made me feel a twinge of sadness while watching it for some reason and I couldn't figure out why. I wrote it off as me just having “one of those days” my mother would talk about from time to time. However, after the movie as I was mentally prepping myself for my job the following day, I saw a video that explained my sadness perfectly. Unfortunately, I didn't get the original posters name but they pointed out, the movie…
Stumbled upon this Legend.
This is not a babysitting job ive always wanted to like just sit on my computer and make money and i took a huge risk but i joined soflo for $39 a month and i have gotten free chipotle 4 times, sneaker updates to resell. also help with my taxes. join before the waitlist comes back
After 6 months of working in the organization as the only employee in my department and technically managing it, I actually got promoted to management, officially, and getting a small team to help me do the work. Which is amazing. But as I went over the budget, I saw that employees are getting funded by the projects donors way more than we are actually getting paid for and are expected to work on way more things than we are actually getting paid for. Now, I still haven't got my new contract, and I don't know how much I'm getting paid in my new role or how much my team is getting paid, but I was wondering if anyone else saw some fishy budgeting for their role and what they did to make things better (would do if they had the chance). My plan for now is to sit down with…
Leaving after bonus
I’ve been with my company for 7 years. It’s the only full time job I’ve ever had and I’ve gotten consistent raises/promotions. I have another job lined up but my bonus is due in 6 weeks. I definitely want to get my bonus but feel a little weird about leaving immediately after. Am I a dick?