
What do I tell my boss who wants to take me from full time salary to freelance part time? No obviously, but he says I’m not passionate enough and all I care about is the money.


Why must we go “above and beyond”? Why can’t we just do our job and go home? Work is not life.


Boring is best: 3 reasons why dull work is ideal — ESPECIALLY for millennials who ‘consider themselves multifaceted’


Legality of mandatory whatapp/messenger etc on personal phone for job

Hello all. My partner and I were discussing her works “requirement” to have WhatsApp on her phone because that is the sole way they communicate to all the employees. It came up that one employee was unable to download WhatsApp on their phone and my partner overheard the manager telling the employee to get a new phone. It seems to me like they could just text, and my thinking is that anytime spent fielding work related messages, emails, etc should be billable time. What’s the general consensus regarding this? TIA


Boss trying to get me to submit resignation letter when I am not ready to resign

TLDR at the end. I am moving an hour away and have a need to WFH. I found a solid opportunity. The company is waiting on receiving the funding for the position and when they receive it, I will start with them. So my start is tentative, no start date yet. I enjoy my current job for the most part. Not very difficult, office setting, mental health field, love most of the clients. Management is just sketchy. My particular supervisor is one of the better ones usually. Older man, very understanding and helpful, been there forever. The director on the other hand is none of those things – all about the money. When I received the opportunity with the new company, I went ahead and made my supervisor aware so that they could take the time to get prepared (they are notoriously always unprepared). I realize now that no good…


Managers being bullies/rude/ micro-managing

I’m 19, and have a hospitality job working behind a bar in the UK. At my work, the managers often act like they have a problem with me and other members of staff over small things. They constantly “micro-manage” us and point out any minor thing we do and act like it’s a massive horror mistake. For example, I once forgot to put a decorative lime on a drink and my manager made the rest of my 9 hour shift miserable for it by nitpicking every minute thing I did. One of my managers has handed in their two week notice after 5 years of working at this bar because even he feels that the other managers are disrespectful and do not appreciate their staff. I often times feel like nothing I ever do is good enough. For reference, I am a full-time university student studying neuroscience and work in…


This is the longest period without a federal minimum wage increase


Company is requiring vaccinated employees to come in 2 days a week, but non vaccinated is fully remote.

Why am I getting punished here for doing the right thing? What are my options here?


Coworker: “if we let the unions in here, there’ll be guys getting paid good wages and benefits to just goof off.”

Me: “Do you have stock in this company?” Coworker: “No, why?” Me: Inhale “THEN WHO GIVES A SHIT?!”


Over 174 apps, got 1 offer.

Fortunately I have a family that I can live with, otherwise I would be in serious trouble. Over the last 2 months I’ve applied to 174 different positions. I got one interview that ended with an insane lowball offer. Why do companies advertise one salary, then make an offer that’s not even CLOSE to what was listed? The listed range was $24-$30 an hour, and I was offered $15.50 with a 50 cent raise after one year (HOORAY). I have experience in the field as well, which makes it even more insulting. Living off 15.50 is simply not possible where I’m located.