Author: Olivia
I sometimes aspire to live like that
Thought this sub would appreciate this
Was It Socialism or Capitalism?
I’m a high school student who has been working at a retail store since October to save up to move out with my girlfriend when I graduate early in January. I had the philosophy initially that I would figure something out if they didn’t decide to generously keep me until January 20th, and now that time has come. I have until the 12th, and for the last two weeks I work half the time, so I’m making 2 weeks of pay less than I was hoping for. What can I do to recover? Doordash is genuinely painful, McDonalds offers jobs on the spot I hear but that sounds fucking awful having worked at Burger King before, would those be my best options? I figure r/antiwork wisdom would be helpful here (if this kind of post is against the rules feel free to remove mods).
I work for a major university (think 100,000 students). We recently received an email with the university explaining that they were raising tuition by 4%. Our general salary increase is 3.5%. Shouldn’t we receive a full 4%? I want to add that I am aware that I’m privileged to work in a position where we receive an annual raise. My question is more of wondering how they’re justifying 3.5% for US when THEY need 4%. Additionally, in a recent town hall (execs and admins give a presentation on Zoom for the entire campus) and were, of course, trying to convince all of the employees that we would be poor and destitute and sick without them. The only upside of the town halls is that the employees can speak directly to the admin team and share really pointed questions/comments. This most recent one, and employee came on the call and was…
I love my job. It’s honestly a great place to work. However, if they tell you “we are closing the office early for the holiday weekend,” and you only have 30 mins left of your shift… does that count? We still haven’t been released. In my opinion, they shouldn’t say that we are leaving early. Instead, they should just release us 10 mins before we close so we can actually be excited about it. Am I wrong to think that way? I just started working here and at my previous job “leaving early” meant either a half day or at 1pm. Leaving within 30 mins of your actual end time in my opinion doesn’t qualify. Am I being ridiculous? It’s just an opinion so please don’t kill me lol.