
Question: is this appropriate?

Went on a work trip with 2 other people. We talked about the agenda. We did not talk about time for returning the next day. I assumed (first mistake) that we would drive the 2 hours back. My colleague says well. “There are no appointments on my calendar so we don’t have to be back till 2 pm.” Totally rubbed me the wrong way. Why would my appointments be on his calendar? Why wouldn’t he be respectful of others and ask ??


No Exceptions! Except for this list…

I am a security officer, at least that's what I thought I was. I'm actually a receptionist. I sit in an access control booth, let truckers onto the site, ask for their bills and IDs, log them in and direct them where to go. No exception to the ID policy. Except for this list of companies. Also, just let these guys through. Oh, and don't let them onto the site until you get that info. But, it's been two days, so never mind. Let them back on. The guy was non-compliant and arguing? Try to be non-confrontational because he told us a different story than what you told us. I'm losing my mind.


There might be a tiny issue with payroll this week…..


No Thanks and Fuck you


Wish list: what small changes would you like to see HR add?

A friend is an HR director. I may be biased, but they are actually a good person that tries to work through corporate red tape for employees. They are looking to put in some minor, but helpful changes (nothing major that would be red flagged immediately) to the employee handbook before resigning. A lot of bullshit has led to the straw breaking the camel’s back, so we thought we should ask y’all what small things we could add to make things suck a bit less. Any input is appreciated!


Working for big companies is a scam

I was let go from my job because I experienced a side effect from medication they said I could take while working (This medication has a known side effect of drowsiness now come to find out) They had blamed it on me because I went to the gym the day prior and said I wasn’t well rested. In their words “put personal obligations above receiving adequate rest” keep in mind I was working 12 hours swing shifts (nights-days-nights-days) I’ve always believed in having a life outside of work. I’m in my late 20s and I don’t party or hardly ever drink. I work and go to the gym. For a company to blame this on me is beyond me. What happened to me was very out of character and I truly believe it was from the medication. I was ultimately blamed for having a life outside of work which is…


Aa man yelling at crew for not providing him the sandwich due to which one crew member started crying which lead to this argument.


We posting bonuses?


very nice!


Why hire US employee when you can outsource for fractions.

This is how the US workers have lost everything and no end to it.