
Availability is not a term open to interpretation

to get this petty thing out… Backstory: Nonprofit PT, Youth outreach, state department setup with sub departments, – Here’s my grievances, action steps, and shit on the fan. Love my coworkers but my agency is tone deaf to the needs of it’s youth outreach PT staff. The programs we run are not sustainable upon the pay rate and recent revoking of our overtime when we’ve had to earn OT to compensate due to staff shortages. For me it’s the refusal to pay the respectable average rate of our positions. Not to honor work experiences, professional skill sets, degreed individuals, and then consider a state increase a wage bump – I’m calling HR cause this job keeps fucking me. I know nonprofit has a nature to the beast but there’s always money in the banana stand, don’t bullshit me. I’m allowed to do what I need to live stop accusing people…

to get this petty thing out…

Backstory: Nonprofit PT, Youth outreach, state department setup with sub departments, – Here’s my grievances, action steps, and shit on the fan.

Love my coworkers but my agency is tone deaf to the needs of it’s youth outreach PT staff. The programs we run are not sustainable upon the pay rate and recent revoking of our overtime when we’ve had to earn OT to compensate due to staff shortages.
For me it’s the refusal to pay the respectable average rate of our positions. Not to honor work experiences, professional skill sets, degreed individuals, and then consider a state increase a wage bump – I’m calling HR cause this job keeps fucking me.

I know nonprofit has a nature to the beast but there’s always money in the banana stand, don’t bullshit me. I’m allowed to do what I need to live stop accusing people of being self-absorbed when eggs cost a fucking personal loan.

I have heard nothing but encouragement to grow my repertoire in my area. I’ve heard they’ve understood if I have to go. They said they appreciate the honesty and communication of updates. So far- accepted a sweet refreshing lead role job doing work that’s in line with my passions. It’s PT, too but I figured it wouldn’t be an issue.
inform my two heads of programming. One has yet to respond which I assume is her off time. The other was flustered and stressed about their scheduled days since one staff is probably needing arrival accommodations, too.

My schedule has been strategized for exactly 20 hours minimum in my contract. I’ve already got the sense my main admin isn’t gonna be who Ill now ever ask a reference from. I don’t need to but they acted like their lack of organization and structure wouldn’t impact my work when I’ve been a rookie, too, but shit rolls downhill man – I hope she’s got some help.

In relaying my hours I never use passive language. I stated clear my arrival times, all nights I’m available, and was honest about the delay being from returning the new gigs company car.

Second boss came off irritated & tried to lecture me what I already know about reality “programming being based off everyone’s schedules and what worked best (for salaried) and that some of us have to compromise. – one staff is leaving and the other is working at their other job and either you or I have to compromise….

….I said “I’m sorry that this job has you in a bind and I know that’s not fun but I’ll let you know if my availability for that date or others ever opens up ”
Immediately there’s a group text that has my 2nd boss who is now offering an interview for a position the departing person must have previously applied for. She agreed to try.

Joke is salaried staff are obligated to sub in for our programs sub needs. I don’t think she’ll change her mind if it’s not truly better.
Some jobs you slowly transition out of. I’m ok if I’m the only factor keeping both running but my availability is set in stone. Im not anyone’s bitch. I’m the person who is consenting to my time, energy, body, resources, and spirit being GIVEN.

Either way thanks for reading.
One day I’ll have my shit together.

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