
Back to the office, where is the government?

If the government actually cared, there would be incentives for businesses and the people to make them work from home. Less car accidents, better for the environment, no congestions which can slow supply chains and reduce productivity. Instead, there has been incentives to force workers to go back and all that it does is benefit the greedy corporations and no one else. In fact, you can no longer write off expenses for working at home, just another big f you to us.

If the government actually cared, there would be incentives for businesses and the people to make them work from home. Less car accidents, better for the environment, no congestions which can slow supply chains and reduce productivity. Instead, there has been incentives to force workers to go back and all that it does is benefit the greedy corporations and no one else. In fact, you can no longer write off expenses for working at home, just another big f you to us.

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