
Because of inflation, I make less than when I started the position, but…

Due to inflation, I'm making 50 cents less per hour than when I started in Feb. 2022. BUT, the team I supervise (and by extension my workload) have doubled in size since I took the job. I sent an email to my manager today asking for a raise greater than 50 cents since that would only get me to making the same as when I started. I'm sure they'll come up with every excuse in the book to deny the raise. We have a meeting next week to discuss. I'll update you all then.

Due to inflation, I'm making 50 cents less per hour than when I started in Feb. 2022. BUT, the team I supervise (and by extension my workload) have doubled in size since I took the job.

I sent an email to my manager today asking for a raise greater than 50 cents since that would only get me to making the same as when I started. I'm sure they'll come up with every excuse in the book to deny the raise.

We have a meeting next week to discuss. I'll update you all then.

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Because of inflation, I make less than when I started the position, but…

Due to inflation, I'm making 50 cents less per hour than when I started in Feb. 2022. BUT, the team I supervise (and by extension my workload) have doubled in size since I took the job. I sent an email to my manager today asking for a raise greater than 50 cents since that would only get me to making the same as when I started. I'm sure they'll come up with every excuse in the book to deny the raise. We have a meeting next week to discuss. I'll update you all then.

Due to inflation, I'm making 50 cents less per hour than when I started in Feb. 2022. BUT, the team I supervise (and by extension my workload) have doubled in size since I took the job.

I sent an email to my manager today asking for a raise greater than 50 cents since that would only get me to making the same as when I started. I'm sure they'll come up with every excuse in the book to deny the raise.

We have a meeting next week to discuss. I'll update you all then.

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