
Been Blindsided

There are certainly worst jobs out there, but I'm still upset. I've been here 2 years and I've had to put up 2 aggressive alcoholics who have placed most of their workload on me. I was thrown into the deep end when I first started, luckily the first left 4 months in for better horizons (good luck with that.) The second has been here for nearly 10 years and happily gets away with it. Only now have we finally got rid of him, it is insanely hard to get fired in this job. For a company who prides itself on 'Employee Growth' – it certainly all talk and no bite. I do 15 hours a week, not good hours if I want to live by myself but the pay is just about fine but there's always room for improvement. I gained the courrage to request if I can move onto…

There are certainly worst jobs out there, but I'm still upset. I've been here 2 years and I've had to put up 2 aggressive alcoholics who have placed most of their workload on me. I was thrown into the deep end when I first started, luckily the first left 4 months in for better horizons (good luck with that.) The second has been here for nearly 10 years and happily gets away with it. Only now have we finally got rid of him, it is insanely hard to get fired in this job.

For a company who prides itself on 'Employee Growth' – it certainly all talk and no bite. I do 15 hours a week, not good hours if I want to live by myself but the pay is just about fine but there's always room for improvement. I gained the courrage to request if I can move onto their shift instead putting my hours up to 27. Manager had no problem, called their boss since they were in charge of filling the position who also said they didn't have probelm. All they needed to do was post my position and can move over when they found someone. Simple.


They post the 27 hours. Manager calls asking what happened – they were rooting for me since I had further training and could do more cover shift with those new hours. Apparently they made an error. No biggie.

It stays up. Manager keeps calling. They keep giving excuses. I rung up, asking if he did have a problem. No they didn't, excuses after excuse. I stopped asking straight after that, I would have been more happier ro be told no than them saying yes while lying. Interviews happen, they found someone.

Manager gives me an apology and I get first dibs on overtime. Upper management acts oblivious. I have started looking for better horizons, fingers crossed.

On the funny side, our newbie has no clue on anything. They have to go through a lot of training on our machinery and have gone through so much our products. 3 rows of stuff in one week when in get anyone else goes through one bottle in week.

This is my first job, so it's sad I'm leaving it with such a bad attitude. Nice to vent though.

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