
Been feeling dejected since my boss suggested I could demote myself

Guess I’m just asking for advice/venting cause I’ve been very sad/angry the past week Have a trainer position, was called into the office with my boss and supervisor last week after bringing something to their attention. First thing my boss said was: because I complain to her she feels like I’m not happy in my role and asked if I wanted to step down? Now I see that I clearly annoy her, lesson learned won’t go to her again I felt like my complaints are valid and it’s it like everyday(people 2 years in still messing up the same stuff, coworkers giving me attitude, things affecting the product…) Like I have coworkers who complain about trivial minor things like what color dry erase marker some used or someone making a rubber band ball -they don’t get told I felt so heartbroken how easy it was for her to say that.…

Guess I’m just asking for advice/venting cause I’ve been very sad/angry the past week

Have a trainer position, was called into the office with my boss and supervisor last week after bringing something to their attention. First thing my boss said was: because I complain to her she feels like I’m not happy in my role and asked if I wanted to step down?

Now I see that I clearly annoy her, lesson learned won’t go to her again

I felt like my complaints are valid and it’s it like everyday(people 2 years in still messing up the same stuff, coworkers giving me attitude, things affecting the product…)

Like I have coworkers who complain about trivial minor things like what color dry erase marker some used or someone making a rubber band ball -they don’t get told

I felt so heartbroken how easy it was for her to say that. I’m good at my job just maybe need to work on delegating and communication. But help coach me what I should have done or said? Why was demoting me her first solution

I went to their boss, our Director a few days ago and told him that felt like an ambush and was insulted. He said he wasn’t aware they said that to me, that he appreciates all I do, and that he’d try to get this straightened out.

He did, while I did not get an apology from the manager who sprung that wild comment on me. But my supervisor did apologize for what the manager said, saying that “he values my position and I’m not going anywhere. That it wasn’t supposed to feel like an attack” “He should’ve said something when he was in the room” and we agreed that he’s better at talking to people than her but she’s also his boss. Says he and I are going to meet every Friday to grow my leadership skills

I appreciate him saying all that cause I’ve been losing sleep. I always liked this job but now I’ve considered resigning. Hate how casually that idea of me stepping down was brought up

What would you do in this situation?

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