
Been off work for a while

As the text above mentions I’ve been off work for a while. Been about two months. Going on three. I left a job at the hospital that I worked at for five years to better myself. Or so I thought. Five years at a hospital gave me some really good exposure and made me want to pursue a career somewhere in that realm of being a nurse or surgical assistant. I think the staffing really got to me and they ran us into the ground. Long story short I left and moved to a different path working for an eye bank in our city. Reflecting on it I think it was a huge mistake. The schedule was definitely appealing. The manager gave me a Monday through Friday spill and told me that it was 8-4 except Fridays being half days. Seemed great? The caveat was for me to come in…

As the text above mentions I’ve been off work for a while. Been about two months. Going on three. I left a job at the hospital that I worked at for five years to better myself. Or so I thought. Five years at a hospital gave me some really good exposure and made me want to pursue a career somewhere in that realm of being a nurse or surgical assistant. I think the staffing really got to me and they ran us into the ground. Long story short I left and moved to a different path working for an eye bank in our city. Reflecting on it I think it was a huge mistake. The schedule was definitely appealing. The manager gave me a Monday through Friday spill and told me that it was 8-4 except Fridays being half days. Seemed great?
The caveat was for me to come in and work on Sundays. Yeah, Sundays we had to process and prepare things for Monday and for the first few weeks I never had to come in because I was learning to process and getting to retain all of the vital information in regards to my position. It seemed things were going smoothly until the schedule ramped up and things took a turn for the worst.
In April I was falsely accused of accessing personal data when a coworker found I was “logged in” to a computer I hadn’t been around all day and “it showed her personal information” No one told me until a week later. Really nothing I could do since the audit in the system showed I was “logged in” but quite contraire to that I couldn’t even show them how to access any of that because I wasn’t shown how to do that. Got written up but shook it off and moved forward with it.
In May I had a talk with the manager as I was starting to feel that they were starting to push more things to be done on Sundays including traveling for long distances to transport things that were technically due on Monday morning. Including two and four hour round trips that were done by our staff instead of a true courier. I have children that live with me and my family and I can’t commit to weekends that I don’t have cases. And they explained that they would be last minute calling me to notify me if I had to travel. I told them I couldn’t do last minute trips like that if I had the kids. They even told me I could bring them with me. No. Not doing that. So I spent one sunday helping process cases and was told to come in at 9:30 on a monday morning. I went to work right away in the morning only to find all my accounts shut down and got terminated on the spot. Been unemployed since.
Not sure what to do or where to go. I dont think health care is right for me but the thought of staying home is nice too. Maybe a stay home job.

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