
Been working blue collar jobs my whole life looking for a better way

I’m 22 and I’ve been a bitch for the last 4 years as the result of an unbreakable cycle. It seems that the only way to succeed financially (having not gone to college) is to build seniority. I’ve worked at 3 different companies in these 4 years. I ended up quitting each of those because I was treated like shit. You start a trade with no experience so you have to work under someone and learn from them. This allows you to work and learn at the same time to build a career. That’s how it should be, it should be that simple. In my experience, it seems that simple in the start, but them amount of degrading shit I put up with shuts that all down. There is no relationships, I am only a piece of the puzzle to make my boss richer. Whereas I devote my life to…

I’m 22 and I’ve been a bitch for the last 4 years as the result of an unbreakable cycle. It seems that the only way to succeed financially (having not gone to college) is to build seniority. I’ve worked at 3 different companies in these 4 years. I ended up quitting each of those because I was treated like shit.

You start a trade with no experience so you have to work under someone and learn from them. This allows you to work and learn at the same time to build a career. That’s how it should be, it should be that simple. In my experience, it seems that simple in the start, but them amount of degrading shit I put up with shuts that all down.

There is no relationships, I am only a piece of the puzzle to make my boss richer. Whereas I devote my life to this man

I get talked to like im stupid, told im not worth the money im paid (I am poor), never work a 40 week (it’s either like 20 or 60 I get no say), all for a job that puts my health at risk every day.

Im sitting at home now because I slipped a disk in my back so I had to be sent home today. I know im not getting paid for this time off or potential time off.

I guess what I want to take away from this rant is, I don’t know any other alternatives. IMO, the whole point of my existence is simply to be a dad one day and the best day I can be. With that said, I need financial stability.

I want real things out of this life, not just go to work, get treated like a bitch, go home and have accomplished nothing. I want to take advantage of everything this life and world have to offer but how can I do that without a fuck ton of money behind me. I can only afford to survive despite doing nothing but working.

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